Stratafin news

Read news, views, and insights on all subjects relating to community housing schemes, bodies corporate, and homeowner associations.
Property Developers responsibility

The Developer’s responsibility in regard to the first General Meeting

In simple terms the developer owns the land on which the scheme is built. The developer then works with architects, engineers, builders, land surveyors, the local municipality, conveyancers, and the deeds registry to establish the buildings on the land that will make up the scheme. Once the first unit is sold the body corporate is formed.

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Common property

Ways in which Common Property can be legally structure

The community property element of sectional title schemes comes into play when we refer to common property. The body corporate must maintain the common property (while owners must each maintain their section). There are various ways in which the body corporate can restructure and reallocate common property legally

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Dispute Resolution solutions

How to Manage Internal Dispute Resolution in Sectional Title Schemes?

Disputes arise frequently in sectional title schemes due to various factors such as the communal structure, common infrastructure, proximity of properties and shared costs. Sectional title scheme disputes could involve various parties including tenants, owners, trustees and the managing agent. If the dispute relates to financial and administrative issues then bookkeepers, accountants, auditors, SARS and lawyers could be involved

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